



About Me#

Hello everyone, I am an elementary school student and a technology enthusiast; currently interested in computers, network technology, and artificial intelligence. I hope to learn and enter this vast world of information through my blog, to better understand this world.

About the Blog#

The blog is built on the Xlog platform. Originally, the blog was established based on Hugo + Cloudflare Pages ( https://blog.isumv.com ), but due to the difficulty of operation, it was changed to the Xlog blog.

Blog Domain. The domain of the blog is isumv.com, where isumv = i + sum + v, with sum meaning "I am here, summing," and V representing Vip. Sumv implies becoming an important and meaningful existence.

This blog was set up with the help of my dad. I am now starting to learn Scratch, video editing, and more. This blog will share some records of my learning and life.

Purpose and Vision of Starting the Blog#

Learn programming languages,
Master programming thinking and skills,
Learn mathematical thinking and logical reasoning methods,
Learn to plan my own learning and life,
Learn to record and write about my learning and life to motivate myself, to learn and live,
Strive to master full-stack programming languages and continue to improve.

Principles to Follow#

Learn humbly, explore, research, and ask questions when in doubt,
Learn to protect my privacy and data,
Progress step by step, advancing steadily.

Ownership of this page data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.